Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Jewell
Welcome to Year 4
Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful christmas celebrating with your families and friends. I am looking forward to hearing all about it!
I am excited for the half term ahead and we have lots of fun things to learn.
- In English, we will be reading 'Winters Child' by Angela McCallister and Graham Baker-Smith. We will be focusing on writing our own narratives, characters and dialogue. We will also be writing diary entries.
- In Maths, we will be multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and also learning about length and perimeter.
- in History, we will be learning all about the Cotton Mill Industry and Industrial Manchester.
- In Science, we will be learning all about States of Matter.
- In Art, we will be learning to consolidate and further develop a variety of skills (drawing, painting, making) in a celebration of the ways food connects us, as families, cultures, and communities.
- In Computing, we will be learning about Spreadsheets.
- In Music, MAPAS will be in school every week teaching us lots of new skills.
- In PSHE, we will be learning all about Valuing Difference.
To find out more about what we will be learning about this half term, please see our newsletter. Also, if you would like to learn more about what we will be up to over the rest of the year, please see our curriculum on a page document. For updates on whar we are up to in class, check out our blogs.
Key Information
P.E days are Thursday and Friday.
For PE on a Friday, please make sure your child has an indoor and outdoor kit in school on these days. Pumps are required for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor.
Earrings must not be worn for P.E. If your child is unable to remove them by themselves, please ensure that they are taken out before school on P.E days.
We are really looking forward to getting back to work again after our festive break.
Miss Jewell and Mrs Lyth