British Values

How James Brindley Community Primary School curriculum promotes British Values.

At James Brindley Community Primary School, we uphold and teach pupils about British Values. The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and in 2014 the DfE reiterated the need to ‘create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of:

  • democracy

  • rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect

  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs’


Ways in which we make provision for, foster and develop SMSC



PHSE Curriculum and Citizenship eg
Praise, house points, Awards of Merit, Golden awards, Headteacher visits/awards, letters home, SEAL themes in assemblies, RE lessons, thread of school ethos
School council contributions to school vision
School council and funding bids for school council
3 separate council elections and pupil questionnaires
Class debates and non narrative writing about debateable subjects

Mutual Respect


PHSE Curriculum and Citizenship eg
Golden Rules
Treat all with respect, involve the whole school including governors, thread of ethos permeates throughout school, SEAL themes,
Children are encouraged to work collaboratively, amicably and constructively in group work, conflict resolution strategies, playground leaders school council, circle time, PSHE lessons,
RE and assembly themes cover respect
Themes in RE Multi Faith Curriculum ensure learning of all faiths,
Fund raising activities, Class charities
Focus days, Young enterprise
Multi faith celebrations

Rule of Law
Has the ability to recognise right and wrong and an understanding of the possible consequences to their actions

PHSE Curriculum and Citizenship eg
Attitudes around justice are encouraged within the whole ethos of the school, collective worship and the behaviour policy.
It is taught on the PHSE Curriculum
Behaviour policy,Golden rules/ organisation and whole school ethos, house points
Police, Fire visits
Transition work to prepare for the next stage

Individual Liberty
Take increasing responsibility for themselves and their own learning

PHSE Curriculum and Citizenship eg
House points and reward systems encourage personal responsibility
Responsibilities around school, buddy systems, transition between phases, homework, home learning projects, school councils, prefects,
Targets (academic and others), evaluation of targets, steps to improve, self/peer assessments,

Tolerance of those of other faiths and beliefs
Can value and appreciate others point of view and resolve conflicts effectively

PHSE Curriculum and Citizenship eg
RE curriculum covering all faiths,  links with St.Andrew’s CofE and other local schools, visitors to school, displays around school,

Assemblies, RE/Humanities curriculum, cultural days,