Extracurricular Sports & Competitions

Within our sporting provision at James Brindley we offer a structured and well planned out extra-curricular calendar which enables the opportunity for all children to be involved in a range of sports and provides meaningful sporting experiences for all, regardless of their age or ability. Our keen and committed staff play a vital role in being strong sporting role models to our pupils within this calendar of school sport as they actively lead, manage and engage themselves in our provision. We strongly believe that competitive sport develops a range of life skills which can support young people as they progress through school and into adult life. Teamwork, resilience and leadership skills along with teaching our pupils how to handle success and disappointment are skills and qualities which we aim to teach our children through our PE and school sport provision.

We are members of the Salford Schools Sports Partnership and actively participate in their competition calendar. We are also fortunate enough to be part of a cluster of schools that value and encourage sport and competition as we readily compete in our local athletics, cross country, swimming, rounders, football and netball leagues. Alongside this we also train for and engage in one off events such as hockey, dodgeball, rugby, cricket, wrestling, golf and tennis.

We are always looking to extend our sporting provision and more recently have undertaken staff coaching in ultimate frisby and NFL and we also seek to offer our children the opportunity to experience enrichment activities such as Quidditch and fencing. Over recent years we have developed strong sporting links within the community by having taster sessions/coaches working in our school and as a follow up we actively encourage children to access these clubs out of school. Eccles and Boardman Lacrosse Club, Sharples Wrestling Club, Manchester United Foundation, Salford Reds, Walkden Cricket Club and Charlestown Netball Club are examples of some of these. To extend our provision of Outdoor Adventurous Activities we also offer residential opportunities to our Year 3 and Year 5 children to enable them to experience a wider variety of activities than we could offer in our school setting.

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