
Our reading curriculum strives to foster a life long love of reading, as we endeavour to offer our children a range of opportunities to enable them to become fluent, enthusiastic and critical readers.

Our curriculum is delivered through the teaching of daily phonics and guided reading sessions with regular opportunities for shared and independent reading along wider reading across the curriculum.

Our classrooms are language rich learning environments and our children are exposed to a variety of stories, books and texts from a range of genres and cultures. Each classroom has a specified reading area where children are encouraged to read from a wide variety of age appropriate books for pleasure.

Throughout their time at James Brindley, children will hear stories read aloud to them by adults, modelling reading with fluency, expression and intonation to help our children develop these skills and also a love and excitement for reading. Our aim is to provide the children with opportunities to read carefully selected texts in a range of genres with confidence and fluency. From the earliest stage, skills in decoding are taught through engaging and creative activities and are embedded into the learning environment. Vocabulary is developed and built upon through reading along with hearing a range of high-quality fiction and non-fiction texts. This therefore nurtures a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

We believe that by promoting a love of reading, the children will be inspired to find joy and pleasure in a range of literature that will live with them throughout their lives.

Curriculum Content & Planning

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