
The PTA committee together with Mr Moore believe that the money raised by the PTA should be used whenever possible to benefit every child at the school. We have decided to purchase book bags for all children that are new to the school and we will be contributing towards the cost of the school trips.

Below is a summary of the funds raised so far and the larger items currently on the school’s wish list.

Funds Raised Academic Year 2014-2015

This year together with you help and support we have raised the following amounts:

Spooky Day £170

Christmas Card Project £300

Christmas Puddings £59

Christmas Fair £1500

Mother’s Day Plants £175

World Book Day Events £904

Items Purchased Academic Year2014-2015

This year the PTA have funded the following purchases

Sports Shirts £420

Chairs for the Hall £1300

Wish List

The following items remain on the school ‘wish list’

Collapsible Staging for the hall

More chairs for the hall

Refurbishment of the outdoor gazebo and surrounding area to make an outdoor reading area/classroom

Library refurbishment

We very much welcome your suggestions about how the funds raised could be utilised in the future.

Ongoing Fundraising Projects

Together with the many events that we host throughout the year we undertake the following ongoing fundraising projects.


Toast is a special fundraising activity. With invaluable support from Parent helpers the PTA run a toast service each morning. Without the volunteers it would not be possible to run the scheme. If anyone is interested in joining the toast rota, either permanently or as cover for sickness we would be glad to hear from you via

James Brindley Lottery

We are excited to announce that we have recently launched a James Brindley School Lottery. Following the registration of our lottery with Salford Council we are now able to run a Lottery at the school for Parents, carers, staff and friends of the school.

We intend to hold ten draws per academic year (one each calendar month during term time). Numbers can be purchased in advance for the whole year at a cost of £1 per number per draw. The prize for each draw will be 1/3 of the total proceeds each month. For example if 150 numbers are sold for a draw there will be a £50 prize. The funds raised will go towards the equipment and activities on our wish list, and will benefit all of the children within the school. If you haven’t already signed up for the remainder of this academic year please email the PTA for a registration form.