Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Simmons

Welcome to Reception

Welcome Back, Reception!

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you all had a magical Christmas break, filled with fun, rest, and special moments with your families. We are very excited to welcome our wonderful Reception children back to school for the start of the Spring Term!

This term is going to be full of exciting adventures as we continue our learning journey. From exploring new topics and stories to discovering more about the world around us, there will be many opportunities to play, create, and grow together.

Parents and carers, thank you for your ongoing support—we look forward to working with you to make this term as happy and successful as possible for your little ones. Please check this page regularly for updates, key dates, blogs and important reminders.

Warm wishes,
Mrs Simmons

Important Information


The children will be set a' Pick and Mix' style homework based on phonics and understanding of number. All of the children will be required to complete the activities on their Pick and Mix at home (ideally 1 per week). Children should share some of their homework with me by sending it via email on Purple Mash (Purple Mash details will be sent home soon). I will then share the work that I receive with the class on our Homework Celebration on Tuesday 10th December. Your Pick and Mix for the Autumn Term can be found above, alongside a 'how to use purple mash' guide. 

Reading Books

Your child will be given a reading book during the first couple of weeks in Reception. Reading books need to be in school every day. Your child will read on specific days each week both individually and as part of Guided Reading sessions. Please ensure that your child reads at least 4 times at home each week and that this is recorded in their planner. 

Spare Clothes

Please provide spare clothes for your child in a draw string bag. These will be left in school, in case your child has an accident of simply gets wet/muddy within our outdoor provision. If your child does have an accident, these clothes will be sent home and we would appreciate it if you return the spare clothes as soon as possible. We will be spending lots of time enjoying the outdoor provision so please send in a spare pair of wellington boots if you have any and again these can be stored in school. Please label all of your children’s belongings.

Creative Fund

In order to provide your children with the variety of snack, baking opportunities and creative consumables we request a contribution of £30 for the full year. During this term your child will be developing their independence by adding different toppings to their toast. They will enjoy baking some tasty treats and as the weather grows colder we will have a nice cup of warm hot chocolate. As this first term is particularly rich with festivities there will also be many other surprises along the way. We have many activities planned this term that include, seasonal crafts, making and decorating cakes, making slime, salt dough constructions and lots more. Please ensure your money is in an envelope clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.

P.E Lessons

P.E. lessons will be on Fridays. If your child wears earrings they will need to be removed by yourself prior to the sessions. P.E kits will stay in school for the duration of every half term. We will send these home at the end of every half term for a wash. Please return the P.E kit on your child’s first day back after the school holiday.


We are very much looking forward to working with your child during their time in Reception. If you ever have any questions and queries, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Mrs Simmons and the Reception Team