Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Wilding

Welcome to Year 6

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Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone, I hope you have all had a well-deserved rest during the half term break! 

We have lots of exciting opportunities and new topics which we will be covering in class this half term, including beginning our first Geography and DT units of the year, so please keep up to date with our learning here on our class page, where regular blog updates and photos will be added showing you everything we have been getting up to, alongside important information and key dates for your diaries. 

Make sure to check out our 'Spring Two Newsletter' and our 'Curriculum on a Page' to give you a more detailed overview of what we will be looking at in class this half term. 

As we also get ever closer to SATs Week too, make sure to explore and make use of the revision materials provided above. 

Please make sure you have also made note of the key dates for this half term, which can be found on the front page of this term's newsletter. As always, we have lots of fantastic opportunities planned this half term across the school for our children, as well as important parent/carer meetings and workshops for you to be aware of as well. 


**New PE Days!: PE sessions will be Monday and Wednesday afternoons this half term.

Please ensure children have both their indoor and outdoor kits available for all sessions.

A gentle reminded that earrings and other jewellery, including watched must be removed for PE sessions.