Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Holt

Welcome to Year 2

We hope you've had an amazing summer and are ready to start the new year. We are really looking forward to the term ahead and the all the exciting things to follow.

This half term we will be looking at animals and their jobs during the First World War, in History. We will be focussing on Living Things for our science topic, looking at what makes something alive.There are suggested books on the newsletter if you would like to support your child at home.

Our Music, this half term, will be learning a song for the Harvest Assembly. We will be using different levels of pitch and pace, ready for our performance.

In Art, we are starting to learn how to draw and sketch, using inspirational artists and the environment. In English, we will be using books related to our History Topic, starting with Vlad and the First World War. In Maths, we will be starting off the new year with place value, looking at the value of 1s 10s and 100s in a number, and manipulating numbers in the 100s.

Phonics will continue in the same format as Y1, where the children will be taught in streamed groups across Y1 and Y2. 

Your child will read twice a week in school. Reading books will be changed on your child's 2nd reading day, e.g. if your child reads on a Monday and Wednesday, their book will be changed on the Wednesday (if they are ready). 

Please ensure books are in bags every day as there may be opportunities for your child to read independently throughout the week.

Please read 4 times a week at home.

We will be continuing with the class library scheme. Books will be sent out on a Thursday, and will be changed every Thursday each week. 


Our PE days, this half term, are Mondays and Wednesdays.

Please make sure PE kits are in school at the beginning of each week. PE kits consist of an indoor PE kit - yellow t-shirt, blue shorts, pumps, and an outdoor PE kit - unbranded jogging bottoms/leggings, an unbranded hoody/jacket, trainers and a plain t-shirt.

Earrings must be removed for PE, either in the morning or before a session, if your child can remove them and replace them themselves. 

We are looking forward to a successful year with you and your child.

Mrs Holt

Mrs Parkinson

Mrs Kerns


Year 2: News items

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