Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Holt
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely break!
This half term, we will be starting our first Geography topic: 'Why don't penguins need to fly?' During this topic we will be looking at Antarctica and the Sahara Desert.
In Science, we will be continuing our term long topic of Animals—including humans.
During this topic we will look at lifecycles of different animals, before moving on to human nutrition and exercise.
In D&T, we will be designing, making and reviewing our own pizzas!
Phonics will continue in the same format as Y1, where the children will be taught in streamed groups across Y1 and Y2.
Your child will read twice a week in school. Please read 4 times a week, at home and write in the planner. Books will be changed when they have been read at home and at school. Please ensure books are in bags every day as there may be opportunities for your child to read independently throughout the week.
We will be continuing with the class library scheme. Books will be sent out on a Thursday, and will be changed every Thursday each week.
Our PE days, this half term, are Tuesdays and Fridays.
Please make sure both PE kits are in school at the beginning of each week. PE kits consist of an indoor PE kit - yellow t-shirt, blue shorts, pumps, and an outdoor PE kit - unbranded jogging bottoms/leggings, an unbranded hoody/jacket, trainers and a plain t-shirt.
Earrings must be removed for PE, either in the morning or before a session, if your child can remove them and replace them themselves.
Mrs Holt and Mrs Kerns