Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Sharrock
Welcome to Year 1
Happy New Year! We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your families and that you are looking forward to the year that lies ahead.
In English, we will be starting off the year by sharing 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon. We will be using story maps to help us to sequence and retell the story and we will also be using talk for writing as we begin to innovate and write our own stories. We will continue to focus on writing full sentences and we be taking this a step further as we start to use conjunctions to extend our sentences and adjectives to make our writing more exciting. Alongside using our phonics skills in our writing we will also be working on spelling the Year 1 common exception words correctly. A list of these can be found further down the page.
In Maths we will be working on numbers 1-20 making sure we can record and order them all correctly before moving on to working on addition and subtraction within these numbers. We will also begin our first measurement units of work as we focus on length, height, mass and volumne and we will also be exploring 2D and 3D shapes. In Science we will be finding out about animals and humans and our History topic is all about famous people and events within our local area.
To find out more about what we will be learning, please see out 'Curriculum on a Page' document which will give you an overview of our learning across the year.
Key Information
Our P.E. days for this half term are Monday and Friday. The children will require an indoor kit for these sessions which includes pumps.
Earrings must not be worn for P.E. If your child cannot take their earrings out, please ensure that they are removed before school on P.E. days.
I'm very much looking forward to working with yourselves and your children this year. Please feel free to make contact at any time with any questions or queries.
Mrs Sharrock and The Year 1 Team