Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Sharrock

Welcome to Year 1

A huge welcome back to all of our Year 1 children and their families. We hope that you have had a wonderful summer and that you are excited for the year that lies ahead. The Autumn Term is already looking to be a busy one and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all over the coming weeks and exploring some new topics together.


In English, we will be starting off the year by sharing 'What The Ladybird Heard' by Julia Donaldson. We will use the rhyme and repititon within the text to help us to retell the story and then write our own versions, using storymaps to help us. In Maths we will be working on numbers 1-20, making sure we can record and order them all correctly before moving on to working with our number bonds to 10. Our Science and History topics are new to Year 1 this year as we have made some changes to our curriculum. In Science we will be finding out about the different seasons and why we have them and in History we'll be investigating the question, what does it take to be a great explorer? We will be creating animated story books in computing and using our own bodies to create drawings in art which all sounds very exciting!


To find out more about what we will be learning, please see out 'Curriculum on a Page' document which will give you an overview of our learning across the year. 

Key Information

Our P.E. days for this half term are Monday and Friday. On Mondays we will be taking part in cricket sessions led by Lancashire Cricket Club and these sessions will take place outside. The children will require an outdoor kit including trainers. On Fridays the children will by taking part in gymnastics which will be indoors therefore they will need their indoor P.E. kit and pumps.

Earrings must not be worn for P.E. If your child cannot take their earrings out, please ensure that they are removed before school on P.E. days. 

I'm very much looking forward to working with yourselves and your children this year. Please feel free to make contact at any time with any questions or queries.

Mrs Sharrock and The Year 1 Team


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