Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Butler
Welcome to Nursery
Happy New Year!
A big welcome back to you all. Can you believe we are into our second term?! We are so pleased with how all the children have settled and established a good routine throughout the day. It’s another busy term with lots of exciting topics and activities planned for the children to enjoy. Don’t forget we have WOW moments at the door for you to fill in whenever your child does something amazing at home/outside of school, that you would like to share with us—we love to hear all about them in class.
Our phonics teaching will continue with the Firm Foundations from our scheme, Supersonic Phonics Friends. We will be focussing on rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and oral blending and segmenting. The children will work in their keyworker groups for these sessions.
For English, we start our term off with a cold theme - to match the weather - looking at Arctic animals and reading The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett. This story is a fabulous twist on Golidlocks with an Inuit girl meeting a family of polar bears. We will end the half term with The Gingerbread Man (our Talk 4 writing unit) and the children will learn to recite the story through the use of actions.
Maths begins with, "Show me 1, 2, 3." Children will be encouraged to show 1, 2 or 3 fingers in different contexts. We will read related books such as Fox's Socks by Julia Donaldson and sing nursery rhymes such as Three Blind Mice and Two Little Dicky Birds to provide further opportunities to practise this skill. We will also explore positions and turns and patterns.
To find out more about what we will be learning, please see our 'Curriculum on a Page' document which will give you an overview of our learning across the year. Additionally, our Spring Newsletter has been posted under News.
As always, if you have any questions or queries, don't hesitate to ask.
Mrs Butler and the Nursery Team.
Key Information
Please label all items of uniform.
Spare Clothes
Please provide spare clothes for your child in a draw string bag (this does not have to be full uniform). These will be left in school, in case your child has an accident or simply gets wet/muddy within our outdoor provision. If your child does have an accident, these clothes will be sent home and we would appreciate it, if you return the spare clothes as soon as possible. We will be spending lots of time enjoying the outdoor provision so please send in a spare pair of wellington boots if you have any and again these can be stored in school. Please label all of your children’s belongings.